Geothermal energy is clean, renewable energy from heat simmering within the earth’s bedrock. Geothermal’s potential as a clean energy source has raised huge hopes, and its advocates believe it could put a significant dent in American dependence on fossil fuels. The earth’s heat is always there waiting to be tapped, unlike wind and solar power, which are intermittent and thus
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How to Cut Your Air-Conditioning Costs
With energy costs on the rise, this summer could be sweaty—and expensive. But there are some easy ways to trim your cooling costs without suffering through 90-degree evenings, sans air conditioning. In fact, if you start preparing for the coming heat wave now, you can probably save a few hundred dollars. You’ll also be doing the environment a favor, since
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Tips for Regular Air Conditioner Maintenance
The best time to service an air conditioner is before it needs to be serviced. Regularly maintaining and cleaning your air conditioner is very important to its longevity and efficiency. You should change your air conditioner filter every month to ensure that your air is free of allergens and dust. There are other (more specific) filters than the typical standard
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New Money Saving Coolant for A/C Units
Most air conditioners and heat pumps sold use a refrigerant called R-22. Emissions of R-22 are considered by some experts to be a significant contributing factor in depleting ozone. This has prompted many buyers to ask for an air conditioner or heat pump that uses a more efficient and environmentally friendlier refrigerant called R-410A when buying a new system for
Read moreChoosing a Correctly Sized Furnace
The electric bill is often one of the most expensive utilities homeowners must pay each month. Heating and air conditioning is one of the largest contributors to America’s energy consumption. Purchasing a properly sized and high efficiency heating and cooling system may help significantly reduce your energy costs and consumption. Due to the importance and cost saving effects of correctly
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Heat Systems at a Glance
There are options when choosing a new heating system for your home or business. The most common is a forced air system, but there are advantages and disadvantages to each type and each type should be explored. Some things to consider when making your decision include: the price of fuels in your area, the age of your home and your
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What is HVAC?
HVAC is an acronym for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. HVAC is a subdiscipline of mechanical engineering. The invention of HVAC systems went hand-in-hand with the industrial revolution, and new methods of high efficiency, modernization, and system control are frequently introduced by companies and inventors from across the globe. The three central functions of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning are all
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